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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Your Dog's Harmful Foods

Have you ever wonder if you are giving the good food for your pet?

Everyone of us love to fed our pets. For us, it taste good and healthy but when this food reaches our pet's tongue is it just the same?.

Here are some foods that can be toxic and poisonous to our lovely pets;

   1.   Avocado ----  While many pet owners say they feed their pets avocados with no problems, studies have shown that their leaves, fruit, seeds and bark can contain a toxin called Persin. According to the ASPCA, the Guatemalan variety, which is commonly found in stores, contains the most toxicity. (I remember sometimes when we have a lots of avocado, I gave our dogs some of it. I don't have any clue that it is toxic for them all i want is to make them full.)

   2.   Onions, onion powder, chives and garlic ----  These all can lead to gastrointestinal irritation and red blood cell damage. All forms of onion can cause problems including dehydrated onions, raw and cooked onions. Cats are more susceptible than dogs, but it can be toxic to both. (what??most of our foods contain onions and garlic!, what will they eat now?)

   3.   Grapes and raisins ----  
These can be toxic to dogs and cause kidney failure. Researchers say there are still many unknowns about the toxicity of grapes and raisins, including whether only certain types of dogs are affected, but it is advised not to feed grapes or raisins to dogs in any amount. (I love grapes, it' just make me sad that they can't taste what I can.)  

   4.   Yeast dough ---- 
Dough that is not cooked and contains yeast can rise in your pet’s stomach, causing pain, and can potentially cause the intestines to rupture. This risk diminishes once the dough is cooked. 

   5.   Left-over bones ----

Left-over bones pose a choking hazard to pets, and they can also splinter and puncture your pet’s gut or intestine. Additionally, do not feed your pet undercooked meat or eggs, as they can contain harmful bacteria.

   6.   Chocolate, coffee, alcohol ---- 
According to the ASPCA, the substances in chocolate, coffee, and caffeine, methlxanthines, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst and urination, hyperactivity, tremors, seizures, and potentially death in pets. The higher the cocoa percentage, the more dangerous the chocolate is, making dark chocolate more toxic than milk or white chocolate. All these products can cause vomiting, diarrhea and even death. (I always eat chocolate, when we're eating they are always there waiting and waggling their tail, how can I resist not to gave them chocolate?)

    Our pet deserves some caring and love.
    Don't be the reason to make them harm.
    Just always remember this foods and
    a simple reminder from

    Thanks to for the source.
    If you want to read more about this just go on to this LINK

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